Re: Fun in the mud

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Posted by Kayne on March 02, 2021 at 21:05:09

In Reply to: Fun in the mud posted by Luke on March 02, 2021 at 11:23:32:

Hi Luke, you write really well and very descriptively - I could almost feel Tony's hand on my boner as I read it! Don't worry it was my own hand.......

Charlie and I have done pretty much the same as you and Tony and also you and Dave in just wet jeans in bed or in the shower and it is an immense feeling to cum in those circumstances, thanks for sharing.

Charlie and I are a bit younger than you, doing first year of A-Levels at the moment, but do you know yet when you get back to school full-time and what is happening about your A-levels. I know you said you go to school in Wales and I know the situation there is different to England _ is it just me who thinks that Boris is the United Kingdom Prime Minister, should his decision not apply everywhere in the UK? - I hope everything works out OK for your education and exams; trust the grown-ups to cock things up, eh?!

All the best, mate, and stay safe wet and muddy and keep the posts coming!

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