Re: An early guest encounter.

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Posted by Fozzy on December 16, 2020 at 06:41:32

In Reply to: An early guest encounter. posted by Ian on December 15, 2020 at 16:46:47:

Ian Pal,

Amazing, you've got to start marketing that assault course ... I want to come! Oops, I'll re-phrase that given the subject and site, I'd like to visit and stay at the hotel, LOL.

Apart from the worn jeans were the rest of his and your clothes good ones? Were you both wearing snug jeans, obviously they were after what happened. What shoes and socks did you both have on? Sorry to ask for details.

I know someone else who doesn't bother drying themselves after a shower ... in fact I don't know many young lads that do. Isn't that why you put dry clothes on? Just to get dry?!

We want more, start the chant!


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